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Don't paint everyone with the same brush. Studies don't include everyone. You should know that. 
Co-Founder Marcus Pedro was 16 years old when he decided to think of ways to draw attention to being unfairly catergorised in a negative manner and wanted to remind people that everyone is different and have their own journey and experiences. 

Marcus (also know as Maddy) was attending school, participating in sports, spending time with family and friends and looked forward to transitioning to adulthood. Due to the youth crime rate in his City and majority of the people committing these crimes were of a similar appearance, he found it uncomfortable when people judged him in shopping centres, when he was walking along the street or when he was hanging with his friends. 

"Why are people categorizing me without getting to know me?".  

"Why are they focusing and remembering the negative and not the youth that are doing well?"

Marcus then thought about other people being catergorised everyday for their appearance, their beliefs, their jobs, their friendships or family connections and how several bad eggs can make it hard for the others who are aspiring to be something. 

Thus began the Paint Brush Movement.

The Paint Brush Movement is for anyone that has or may experience the stroke of a paint brush. 

The Paint Brush has been around for decades and majority of you may have heard "All tarred with the same brush". 

The Paint Brush Movement is clothing that is worn around the world, spreading a message that we're all different.  Put your paint brush down and get to know the person. Don't think back on a negative event, previous situation or what you've seen on social media to change your view on a person or demographic.

The Paint Brush Movement clothing is for everyone.

Be apart of the ever growing Paint Brush Movement!